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Joe Cermele

Keith Thomas glide bait catches largemouth bass

Worth Their Weight

Keith Thomas creates glide baits that'll catch the biggest fish in your home waters, if you can get your hands on one.


Backyard Brawlers

You don't need a plane ticket to the other side of the world to target fish that will test your gear and stamina


False Positives

A new study aims to give a gamefish with a cult following some mainstream protection


Skipping Bail

Are modern spinning reels becoming disposable? Are they as tough as an old Penn or Mitchell? It's complicated.


Scratching Away

Will the ever-growing cult of tautog-obsessed anglers lead to the demise of this former underdog?


Over the Lips, Past the Jaws

There was nothing standing between me and a once-in-a-lifetime trip with the legendary Capt. Frank Mundus except a hungover man in a Hawaiian shirt.